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Welcome to the WTF - Volume 1

We know that Joe had a questionable past, but was it this bad?

The dangers of media censorship are far more apparent now.

In this Volume of Welcome to the WTF, We Address the fact that Princess Kate is still missing. The most recent "Proof" photos, and videos could be of anyone. Or could also have simply been AI generated. Who knows?

Joe Biden has a dark, and destructive past. Was it this dark and destructive ?

He was after all mentored, and introduced into politics by Robert Byrd, the West Virginia Democrat Senator, and Exalted Cyclopse of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Senator Byrd simultaneously held both positions for many years, until the civil rights movement. That is just about the time that Joe Biden was entering politics. Just like Byrd, he opposed Civil Rights, and is still trying to bring back Segregation.

This time around Joe had a secret weapon, The Media. Using them, a campaign was waged for years. This campaign was designed to promote Eugenics, and End the Civil Rights of many Americans, by tricking / programming them into thinking it was their idea to want it.

The plan is rolling smoothly so far, and as we can see, racial division, abortions, and self sterilization are on the rise. This is the part of Eugenics where the slow, dumb, easily manipulated, and dim witted, are all tricked into not reproducing. Even going so far as to trick some real idiots that already had children to sterilize them also. The next step is one that we should all fear. It's when the remainder of the inferior stock of humans are actually cut off from their food supplies intentionally, by government powers. They will make it look like some type of tragic series of accidents, that decimate the food supplies. When this starts to get really bad, and people are cannibalizing each other, they will cut off all civilian communications. This is the final phase, where only the prepared, strong, intelligent, and motivated humans survive.

"They" have already been unrolling the Eugenics plan out, but only doing it in small steps. So the frogs do not notice the pit is about to boil.

The Distraction from the plan has been simple. They have provided enough Bread, and Circus style entertainment, that most people still have not even noticed it happening.

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