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The Joe that "they" don't want you to know.

Joe Biden has done many things in his long Tenure in the U.S. Government. Some deep, dark things. Our sources within the tech. world found this video.

There are many people out there afraid to speak out on some of the corruption they have seen within the Government. But not our source, they gave up some golden video clips with an almost robotic fearlessness that you seldom see today.

We know that Joe has a sordid past…

But was it this sordid ?

He was in fact, mentored by a man named Robert Byrd, who was an Exalted Cyclops in the KKK, and the longest sitting U.S. Democrat Senator in history. He did hold both positions simultaneously for many years.

He was a Mentor to Joe Biden, while he was still the Exalted Cyclops in West Virginia, but times were changing. Senators, and Congressmen could no longer openly be in groups like the KKK, especially after the civil rights movement. They needed a new model for doing things. They needed some “new” young talent. Guys that did not already have the public label of being Klan affiliated, but would vote with them whenever they asked. Joe quickly felt his way up the political ladder, with a little help from his friends.

Getting elected as a freshmen Senator, Joe was supported by many of these people with known affiliations and ties to the KKK. He even has a strong history, of voting in their favor on all types of issues. Joe became their Ace in the hole. The guy who never wore the hood publicly, so he could continue to operate in the changing environment.

When we take a look around the Political field today, we can clearly see that the amount of gaslighting coming from the Whitehouse is reaching obvious, and absurd levels. It feels like we have officially reached the maximum level of the “Bread and Circus” stage, of Ancient Rome. I'm just waiting for one of the Presidents to promote their favorite animal to some high seat of office. Like the time frame of Caligula, Nero, and the warped Caesars of the Roman Republic / Empire shift, we now are seeing the most extreme behavior possible from the populace. The Extremism laws have actually been changed to include “Name Calling.” On top of officially changing basic definitions for words used in Law like “racist, racism” etc.

Misgendering, zero bail, not arresting thieves, and the other progressive (Marxist) policies being passed, have been the cause of all this sadness, and cultural decay. It has caused many neighbors to fight, families to split up, and led many people to suicide. Leading many to believe that the KKK, and Club of Rome’s plan for Eugenics, is actually being enacted today by members of the US Government. While they just do the Jerry Springer, and keep feeding our Algorithms the most dramatic, violent, and divisive content possible. Making modern life in the U.S. into the biggest, and longest running “Psy-Op” ever.

We have to deprogram ourselves.

The Republicans, and Democrats on the ballot, are not coming to save us, or even try to preserve our American freedoms.

They are simply feeding their Ego by running, and nothing more. Once they win, all previous promises made go out the window. The perfect examples are Trump “Draining the Swamp” and Joe Biden’s current “Build Back Better” plan, and the Border Policies.

If that all wasn't convincing enough, ask yourself this. “If” either one of these candidates was really such a threat to “democracy” then why on earth, are they both the front runners for their political party?

It's NOT because the other parties supporters, are all just so stupid, that they simply can't see the obvious destruction and carnage unfolding because of their leadership. Although, both ends of the Corporate News would like all of us to believe that.

This is all happening, because the intelligence groups currently running Psy-Ops on American citizens, are just damned good at providing the Circus portion of the Roman born idea. If you are unfamiliar, this idea I keep referencing is one, that with enough “Bread and Circus” as distraction, you can do nearly anything to a group of people, including making average citizens into brain dead Tax slaves.

Welcome to the State of Awareness.

The 4th PsyOp Group, is a real branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. They lead several other PsyOp groups like the 8th PsyOp Group, and the 6th PsyOp group. They work hard in hand with U.S. intelligence to sway opinions, in any way possible..

They have a website on the “dot Military” servers, and have been running recruitment ad campaigns in America fairly recently.

They also have official YouTube channels.

4th Psy-Op Group.

Ghost in the Machine - Recruiting.

8th Psy-Op Group.

Wake Up and Fight - Recruiting.

Unconventional means, in new and Unprecedented times.

Normally, any of my writing would be structured much differently than this.

The Links and Sources would all be packaged neatly at the end of the entire article. This however, is not my average article. It needed a different structure, if only to simply lay it out in a way that's more abbreviated, but still deeply detailed enough that it is understandable.

I hope you were entertained.

Thank you for Reading, and Supporting the Writers here at Uncovered, and The Pagan Post, it is because of you fine people, that this is all possible. It's your Likes, Shares, and Comments that are used as the fuel, for the engines of this much needed Anti-Communist Revolution. The peaceful revolution, where we vote with our dollars, ending the corporate globalism that is slowly but surely building.

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