It will not let me restack. Good points in your article. 😎👍

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The funniest part is that it’s believable!

And Robert Byrd really was in the KKK.


He first entered the political arena by organizing and leading a local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s...


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What made me laugh .. hard to explain .. I’m not unfamiliar with the brainwashing that occurs via the ‘feminism’ arm of Marxism; my personal experience was a few years in the making, a slow drip if you will bc I have a very hard personality and am not easily played. So they had to work on me but they failed - I got out with only a few scars but immense appreciation for the conservatives who have kept the most of the evil at bay for decades.

But those warriors are gone now, and the job is up to their kids - us.

So seeing the video, reminded me of the commitment to cognitive dissonance and nurtured by those same ‘feminists’ I came of age with, the depth of the brainwashing that I resisted, rejected, and revolted against..makes me glad to be here to see the video from this side…

I laugh because now anyone can see it and know it for what it is and call it out, publicly, loudly, and so far- freely.

Yeah. Like I said, hard to explain.

And beside all that, the video

is a work of art.😹😹

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The deep fake is too obvious. He sounds coherent.

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